
Our Cleaning Services

Our Superior House Cleaning Services

For more than 25 years, The Cleaning Authority has been meeting the cleaning needs of satisfied customers. We know our customers have busy schedules, which can make it hard to juggle family responsibilities and cleaning tasks. We wish to make your life easier by taking care of all of your cleaning needs so you can focus your energy elsewhere!

Stop Coming Home to a Second Job! Invest in your free time with our services. Get started with an in-home estimate. Get My Free Estimate

Environmentally Responsible & Sustainable Cleaning Products

Our home cleaning services are unlike others because we use environmentally responsible or sustainable cleaning products. We are proud to use these products, which inspire confidence in our customers and protect their homes.

Additional benefits of being a customer of The Cleaning Authority:

  • Expert cleaning services from highly trained employees
  • Peace of mind in knowing our employees have been screened for your safety
  • Our one-of-a-kind Detail-Clean Rotation System, which allows us to ensure that each area of your home receives the proper cleaning it needs with every visit

Countless customers have saved time and energy by turning over their cleaning needs to our company. We would be delighted to further explain the benefits of being our customer, in person or over the phone. Every step of the way, you can ensure that customer satisfaction is our top priority.

Contact The Cleaning Authority to learn more about our unique house cleaning services and to get your free personalized estimate.

Cleaning Services FAQ

With over 20 years of experience in cleaning homes, we’ve received a lot of questions. Whether you have found the answer to your question or not on our website, please be sure to reach out to our team to request your free home cleaning estimate.

Are Cleaning Services Worth It?

When you’re considering cleaning services for your home, it can be difficult to choose between handling them yourself or turning to a professional. While the final decision will ultimately be up to you, it’s important to explore all of your options without making a major commitment. Whether you’re tired of spending your weekends cleaning and not relaxing, or ready to just leave it to the professionals, be sure to schedule a free estimate with The Cleaning Authority. Regardless of the specific services you need, our team is here to address any questions or concerns you may have in your decision-making process.

What Basic Cleaning Services Do You Offer?

From top to bottom, The Cleaning Authority can handle every inch of your home. From cleaning countertops to sanitizing doorknobs, we’ll handle it all. Our professionally trained employees are ready to provide you any of the basic and deep cleaning services needed to leave your property looking spotless.

Some of the cleaning services we offer include:

  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms
  • Sleeping areas
  • Living areas
  • Hardwood floors
  • Manufactured flooring
  • Appliances

How Much Do Cleaning Services Cost?

The size of your property, frequency of services, and type of cleaning needed are just some of the factors that can affect pricing. We’ll be more than happy to learn more about what your needs are and specifics, so we can tailor a cleaning program that fits your needs and most importantly – budget. We offer competitive pricing on all of our cleaning services.

How Often Should I Have My Home Cleaned?

When deciding on the frequency of your home cleaning services, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. At the end of the day, it depends on your specific needs. Whether you need home cleaning services once a month or once a week, the frequency is completely up to you. In fact, this is one of the many reasons why our customers love us! Our cleaning services are tailored to meet your specific home and needs, also giving you the chance to change the frequency if your needs change.

If you’re not searching for routine cleaning services and prefer to leave the basic cleaning to yourself, be sure to take advantage of our one-time services, including move-in and move-out cleaning, as well as services for other specific or special occasions.

The Cleaning Authority is Here to Help

From carefully dusting around valuables to ensuring focus during every clean, our team is dedicated to providing you with services that not only give you your free time back, but services that also leave your home looking and feeling great. With over 20 million cleaning services completed, there’s no wonder why we continue to be one of the leaders in the home cleaning service industry. Instead of wasting hours, leave it to our team of professionals and get your free time back.

Still have questions? No worries – give our team a call today at (905) 614-2440 to learn more.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • We Treat Your Home Like Our Home

    Our cleaning crews are professionally trained, and if you’re ever unhappy with any area we’ve cleaned, we’ll return the next day and reclean it.

  • Immediate, Accurate Online Quotes

    We’ll give an immediate price quote so you can enjoy your time rather than worry about the mess.

  • We Are Fully Bonded and Insured

    At The Cleaning Authority, we are fully bonded and insured, meaning you can have peace of mind when we enter your home.

  • Our Passion for the Environment

    We as a company are committed to using cleaning products that are environmentally responsible, sustainable, and safe for the Earth.

Part of the Authority Brands Family

Authority Brands is the leading provider of in-home services, building brands that support the success of franchisees as well as better the lives of the homeowners we serve and the people we employ.
